Montavilla Brew Works 3rd Anniversary Party
This Saturday is our favorite local brewery taproom's 3rd Anniversary Party, come help Montavilla Brew Works celebrate for this all day event 12pm to 10pm. If you have not checked out MBW yet, they excel at making classic styles from Stout to Farmhouse Ale and Pilsner. This Saturday they are bringing back a favorite, and one of the more difficult brews that they always nail, the Korabräu Helles Lager.”
Montavilla Brew Works will be tapping small batch new beers all day (details below), and offering bottle discounts, raffles and have everyone's favorite Mexican/Tamale truck Mixteca parked outside.Special Anniversary Tappings:
- 2 year old Belgian Tripel 9% ABV
- 2 year old Bourbon Barrel-aged “Old Montavillain Strong Ale” 9% ABV
- “Black Cherry Porter” (Robust Porter w/dark cherry juice added. Premiered at PDX Fruit Beer Festival 2018) 6.4% ABV
- “Round Three” Anniversary IPA: w/Falconer’s Flight and Citra hops 6.7% ABV
- “Korabräu Helles Lager” (Summer seasonal re-release) 5.2% ABV
Visit the MBW Anniversary page for updates/details: