A sketch video created to kick-off the 2022 Oregon Beer Awards ceremony. The first in-person OBA since 2020, this years video featured a search for a new ceremony co-host!
TopWire Hop Project opens at Crosby Hop Farm
Oregon's new taproom at a working hop farm has opened in Woodburn, Oregon. TopWire Hop Project is a beer garden in a Centennial hop field. Founded by 5th generation hop farming family operation Crosby Hop Farm, the TopWire Hop Project showcases craft beverages like beer, cider and seltzer from Crosby's clients.
The “Beer Goddess” Lisa Morrison inducted into Oregon Beer Awards Hall of Fame
Lisa Morrison is a beer journalist, media personality, event organizer, and the owner of Belmont Station bottle shop & biercafe.
In 2021 Lisa was inducted into the Oregon Beer Awards Hall of Fame for her accomplishments and ongoing advocacy for craft beer. Read the full story here.
De Garde Brewing’s Cool-Ship
Tillamook, Oregon’s De Garde Brewing makes all their beer in an open top coolship for spontaneous fermentation of their sour beers. Recently, they commissioned a cool SHIP for their coolship. Read the full story here.
Oregon Hop Harvest 2020
Threshold Brewing & Blending braves a smoke filled Oregon hop farm to get fresh hops for an annual pacific northwest tradition. Read the full story.