New Seasons Markets host Fresh Hop Fest

New Seasons Market’s are presenting a free Fresh Hop Fest this weekend at their stores in the pacific northwest Saturday, Sept. 29 - Sunday, Sept. 30, from 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Each store will be pouring between 4 and 6 fresh hop beers, and New Seasons even has two exclusive to their stores fresh hop beers from Gigantic Brewing and Hopworks Urban Brewery with other non-exclusive fresh hop beers from Double Mountain Brewery, Fremont Brewing and Elysian Brewing among others that will vary store to store..

Free tastings will be sample pour sizes from draft or bottles/cans but you can also purchase a full pint to enjoy. New Seasons stores that have taps and/or a growler fill station will be featuring fresh hop beers on tap with growlers available to go at the following locations: Cedar Hills, Woodstock, Mountain Park, Williams, Slabtown, Nyberg Rivers, Grant Park and Ballard.


New Seasons Meat Department has even used their exclusive Gigantic Brewing’s Hopbot Fresh Hop Citra IPA in a special seasonal pork brat sausage, on sale this week for $1 off per pound. There is more info on sales in their Weekly Flyer.

Some of the beers being featured: 

Exclusive Partner Brand!

HUB Fresh Seasons Hazy Fresh Hop IPA

Exclusive Partner Brand – with the label designed by a New Seasons staff member!

Gigantic Hopbot Fresh Hop Citra IPA

Fremont Field to Ferment Fresh Hop Pale

Double Mountain Killer Green Fresh Hop

Elysian 50 Shades of Green Fresh Hop

Great Divide Fresh Hop Pale Ale

With nearly 50 fresh and local hop beers available, customers are invited to sample a variety of seasonal flavors from local brewers while they shop.


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