Double Mountain 13th Anniversary Postponed over Coronavirus

Hood River, Oregon's Double Mountain Brewery has postponed their 13th anniversary celebration that was scheduled for this Saturday, March 14th.
"After a lot of thought and discussion, we have decided to postpone our Anniversary Party and have set a tentative date of June 27th," write Double Mountain's Hames Ebberle in a release announcement. "We do not take the decision lightly, but considering the number of people that attends and the current situation with COVID-19, we do think it is in the best health interests for everyone."
The postponement of Double Mountain's anniversary comes after a wave of cancellations kicked off by Vancouver Spring Brewfest's decision to do so last month.
The good news is that the 13th Anniversary will still be held later this year as temperatures rise and hopefully the virus slows. We are expecting more festivals and events will continue to follow-suit in this unfortunate climate.
"Should anyone decide to show up, we will be open for normal hours, unless things change over the next week. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see even more people in June," says the Double Mountain press release.