Fireside Chats Ep.1 with Michael Perozzo
Introducing a new videocast series called New School Beer Fireside Chats, each episode will feature special guests discussing craft beer industry related topics. Guests will include everyone from brewers and owners to beer distributors, journalists and fans. Excuse our inaugural video, as we get our feet under us we have kicked off on Zoom for distancing conversations just like everyone else during the time of Coronavirus. Find all Fireside Chat videos at and on our youtube page.
This first discussion is with Michael Perozzo, founder of Zzeppelin (formerly Zzoom Media) who is also an organizer of North Bank Beer Week, the Brewcouver Brewery Passport and an occasional New School contributor.
Michael Perozzo has been assisting a number of brewery clients with the transitional shutdown of taprooms, bars, and restaurants due to COVID-19. These efforts have lead to the creation of initiatives like Fortside Brewing's drive-thru beer pick-up's and Heathen Brewing's Ice Cream Truck-style Beer Delivery.
Perozzo is also a founder and admin of the popular facebook group Beer Nerds which boasts nearly 3,700 members. Since the early days of the Coronavirus related shutdown of breweries and bars in Washington, Perozzo has been hosting daily facebook live chats in the Beer Nerds group which generate hundreds of comments and in some small part keeps the beer community connected.

New School Fireside Chats will take place weekly-ish with regular guests and an evolving format. If proven a success, we wish to keep this series ongoing and upgrade the video and sound quality while seeking out guests from beyond the pacific northwest. If you have questions, comments or suggestions please email them to us at or hit us up on social media platforms twitter, instagram and facebook @newschoolbeer.